March 19, 2023
The story is told of Mother Theresa being asked to address the United Nations.
She was introduced as one of the most powerful, influential women in the world.
Afterwards, a journalist asked what she thought about such a grand introduction.
She replied, “I did not give it a second thought.”
Her humility made her immune to the passing opinions of people. Called by God to serve the poorest of the poor, the sick and the dying, she lived her life for an audience of One, her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, with Whom she spent time each day.
Rick Warren said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself but it’s thinking of yourself less.”
The critics of humility in our “me first” world, portray it as putting ourselves down, being “doormats” for others. Instead, from scripture we learn that Jesus demonstrated humility by choosing to sacrifice, to show God’s love for the entire human race.* Humility means following Jesus’s example of being a servant.
Humility means knowing who we are, and Whose we are, and where we fit into God’s good Kingdom plans.
*Philippians 2, verses 3-11