Someone once said, “The world could be divided into two groups of people: those who are teachable and those who are not.”
Well, this is likely an oversimplification, but if we link teachability with humility, then there is some good truth there.
Perhaps you have interacted with a person whose attitude is “I know best; it’s my way or the highway.” Then you have observed that their being opinionated and unteachable leads towards unproductive conflict and away from satisfying progress, and meaningful connection with others.
(King Solomon said this long ago, only with more dire consequences predicted: “Whoever stubbornly refuses to accept criticism will suddenly be destroyed beyond recovery.” And haughty pride – the opposite of teachable humility – goes before a fall.*)
God can give us the grace for the process of becoming humble and teachable. We can talk with God like King David did:
“Behold You desire truth in the innermost being; And in the hidden part of my heart You will make me know wisdom. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right and steadfast spirit within me.” **
Wisdom – just the sound of the word is soothing in our world of frantic foolishness and loud lies. More on true wisdom coming soon...