December 31, 2022
Some issues in life are like double-sided gold coins, where we find that one side is engraved with a complimentary response or attitude from the other side. (See October 30, 2022 blog.)
In the case of this season’s gold coin, the sides are engraved with two history-making, life-changing events: Christmas and Easter. It is impossible to have one without the other.
Here’s why: In the early scriptures, the problem of peoples’ sins was dealt with – but not solved - by the sacrifice of a perfect lamb. This foreshadowed the offering and death of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God “who takes away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29)
In order for Jesus Christ to be a truly perfect sacrifice, He needed to be God in human form, not born from two human beings. Therefore, when Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit in virgin Mary’s womb, He fulfilled the requirements to be a truly perfect sacrifice for sin.
Which brings us to the flip side of the coin: Easter. Not only did Jesus offer Himself willingly to pay the price for our sin, He rose from the dead and conquered death.
Years ago, when I understood this love for the first time, I prayed:
“Dear God, Thank-you for sending Your Son Jesus Christ to pay the price for my sin. I invite Him into my heart to make me Your child.”
This simple prayer is for anyone. The Christian faith is the most inclusive in the world. Christmas and Easter. Celebrations with forever meanings and results!