October 30, 2022
Five Gold Coins
Each one has two important sides that are attached together. Sometimes we fixate on one side and forget to flip the coin over for a balanced view.
Gold Coin of humility and confidence:
The humility side recognizes that every breath we take and every talent we possess are gifts from God, our Heavenly Father. The confidence side knows that we have worked hard to develop our talents so that we can bless others well.
Gold Coin of Communication
On one side is truth. The reality check we all need. The other side is grace. The kindness with which the truth is communicated to us. The apostle John said that Jesus was “full of grace and truth.” The ultimate Communicator, for sure!
Gold Coin of Gratitude and Grieving
The apostle Paul encouraged the Thessalonians to “give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
On the other hand, King David in the Psalms, freely expressed sorrow for his circumstances and his enemies and his own sin. We need to both praise and lament.
Gold Coin of Strengths and Weaknesses
When a person has a strength, but overdoes this then it becomes a weakness. His attention to detail becomes annoying focus on unimportant aspects.
Gold coin of Christmas and Easter
You cannot have one without the other. (More on this in my Christmas time blog...)