September 8, 2024: Perspective Blog

September 8, 2024

A few more thoughts from the book I mentioned last week…

  • God’s words are creative and we are made in His image, so our words have power, too. The authors call this “a deep formational reality: we eventually become our words.”

  • “Texting is the lubricant that allows us to feel we’re in constant contact while not forcing us to actually give time to the relationship. The digital age pads our pride with a thin veneer of intimacy without forcing us to enter any of its sacred pain.”

  • “Words plus presence make a world of difference.”

  • “Words are central to the calling of Christian faith, ministry, and witness. With words we write, preach, and teach. With words we lead, motivate and inspire. With words we live out our vocation to love God and neighbor. LANGUAGE  IS  SPIRITUAL.”

Sarah Miller