March 3, 2024: Perspective Blog

March 3, 2024

     March is a month in need of laughter, or at least a few thought-provoking chuckles. Here we go… from Potshots by Ashleigh Brilliant:

“Appreciate me now and avoid the rush.”

“I play small roles in many people’s lives, but on my own, I play a principle part.”

“We get some kind of weather here every day.”

“I  try to take life as it comes, and just hope it keeps coming.”

“Unlike most other people, I am just an average person.”

“This is serious: some things supposed to last the rest of my life are already wearing out.”

“Nobody has ever loved me the way I really think everybody should love me.”

“When seen from this distance, your problems are somehow much smaller than mine.”

“I  wish the quality of your product was as good as the quality of your advertising.”

“I am not upset, and will continue to deny how upset I am until I calm down.”

“There’s been so much concern about what might happen, that what’s actually happening has passed almost unnoticed.”

“Which is the non-smoking lifeboat?”

“The difference between play-acting and real life is that in real life, it’s always opening night.”

“Have arms, will hug.”

Sarah Miller