January 12, 2025
One of my favorite stories about Jesus finds Him asleep! After a hard day of healing (a leper, a centurion’s servant, Peter’s mother-in-law and others) plus doing battle with demons and casting them out, He climbed into a boat.
A violent storm rose suddenly making waves pour over the boat, but Jesus, in His exhausted sleep, seemed unaware.
The disciples panicked, woke Him up, yelling: “Lord, save us, we are going to die!”
First Jesus rebuked them (“Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?”)
Then He rebuked the winds and the sea. And of course, there was at once a perfect peacefulness and wonderful calm. (Matthew 8:23-26 AMP)
There are reasons He is called “The Prince of Peace.”
In the boat of life, He is there with you and me. But we may think He is sleeping while a storm rages around us. Never fear, He is both love and power. One word from Him will bring peace and calm, at least in our hearts, if not our circumstances.
Dear Jesus, help us to believe and trust You!