December 22, 2024: Perspective Blog

December 22, 2024

     When the Wise Men presented Jesus with myrrh, I wonder what Mary and Joseph thought? Myrrh is a fragrant spice often used in embalming. This gift heralded the humanity of Jesus, God in a human body.

   It was mixed with aloe to prepare Jesus’ body for burial after He died on the cross. (John 29:39,40) 

   In Hebrew tradition and practice, liquid myrrh was used in the anointing oil to prepare the priests and objects in the Temple before sacrifices could be made. (See Exodus 30) After years of animal sacrifices, Jesus Christ became the final consecrated sacrifice for sin.

    Neither the Wise Men, nor Mary and Joseph, could have clearly seen ahead to this event. But God gave them glimpses and foreshadowing and dreams. God warned the Wise Men not to go back to King Herod and reveal the whereabouts of King Jesus. And when they left, God warned Joseph to flee to Egypt with his family and escape Herod’s murderous wrath.

    When you give gifts at Christmas this year, reflect on the timeless beauty of the Wise Men’s three gifts to Jesus: gold, frankincense, myrrh, and best of all, worship.


Sarah Miller