To finish off “Heart Month,” here are a few more thoughts about love, this time from Barbara Johnson in her book “Fresh Elastic for Stretched Out Moms.”
The Shield of Love
When I felt that touch of spring yesterday,
I washed and waxed my car.
When it rained this morning, the droplets on the hood
Stood upright in tiny bubbles,
Unable to penetrate that coat of wax.
When I prayed to God last night,
He must have washed and waxed my soul,
Because today when troubles came
They only stood outside,
Unable to penetrate that shield of His love.
Love’s ABC’s
You will have your hands full and your heart filled trying to live this title.
Love Accepts, Behaves, Cheers, Defends, Enriches, Forgives, Grows, and Helps.
Love Includes, Joins, Kneels, Listens, Motivates, Notices, Overlooks, and Provides.
Love Quiets, Respects, Surprises, Tries, Understands, Volunteers, Warms, eXpects and Yields.
Love in action breaks the code that adds Zip to your life!