May 8, 2022: Perspective Blog

May 8, 2022

                                                    Baby Book

Baby book beckons, sitting complete –

Tiny hand prints, and miniature feet,

Wrinkled-face pictures, and wispy- hair locks,

Colour of eyes, and size of new socks.

Baby book beckons, and memories call,

Holding and looking along the past hall

Of time, so elusive, to capture in stages.

I pause to remember, and finger the pages.

Baby book beckons, yet slips to the floor,

With outgrown clothing, and small infant lore.

The rusty old tricycle now is a car,

The baby is driving, and going to go far.

Baby book beckons, creative and cute,

But now the dear baby is growing astute,

Facing more choices than I had to make,

Travelling more roads than I’ll ever take.

Baby book beckons, and with it, I pray

That now this young adult will learn just to stay,

O so close to the Father, Who loves each one now,

And forever and ever, for that is His vow.

Baby book beckons, but is only a start,

For a life will be written, like a book from the heart.

                                                                                                   ©2003 Linda Neff

Sarah Miller