October 2, 2022: Perspective Blog

October 2, 2022

I was once given a list of possible metaphors that describe some aspects of life. (All metaphors have limits, but they also have the power to be memorable and helpful. Jesus, the greatest mind of all, often used simple comparisons in his teaching.)

    Here is one life metaphor label and my comments:

     Life is like a bank account because I have resources – not just financial – to draw upon for relationship needs, personal care, maintenance of possessions etc.

    The reason I have resources to withdraw is because I have made, and continue to make, deposits: learning and skill development, health and wellness, friendships, family...

    While the “account balance” in any of these areas is not static, nor even completely predictable, the metaphor can help us to be realistic.

For instance, sometimes a person will complain about having no friends, but he has not done anything to develop friends. No listening, no acts of service, no gifts, no phone calls. Then when he needs help or encouragement, he does not have anyone to turn to.

    How is your life bank account?

Sarah Miller