January 10, 2021: Perspective Blog
January 10, 2021
The Best Kind of Distancing
Fly with your Creator
To photos of His earth from outer space.
See our world He made,
Poised in the sky like a blue-green marble
With white frothy swirls.
Take a deep perspective-breath.
Think of history, peoples, plans,
Wars, won and lost; leaders risen and fallen,
Even pandemics, raged and waned.
“Time marches,” they say.
“Time is Mine,” God says.
“I use imperfect circumstances, imperfect people,
To fully complete My perfect plans.”
Hope – not the world’s wishful, wispy thinking,
But God’s full, secure, overflowing hope.
Rest and rejoice in this abundance,
Living a down-to-earth life of love,
From a long-range look.
©2020 Linda Neff