Many students have told me about their “goals” for the future. Many do not have a practical plan developing habits to make that happen.
Scott Adams says that
Goals are what we want to achieve.
Systems are the processes that lead to those results.
Goals set direction.
Systems make progress
Fix the inputs and the outputs fix themselves.
You do not rise to the level of your goals:
You fall to the level of your systems.
Habits are the atoms of our lives. Each is a fundamental unit that contributes to overall improvement. An atomic habit is a regular practice or routine that is small, easy to do, but also the source of incredible power: a component of the system of compound growth.
James Clear says in his book that there are three levels at which change can occur:
Outcomes (losing weight, writing a book) –what you get
Process (habits and systems) - what you do
Identity (worldview, self-image etc) – what you believe
Identity – based habits focus on who we wish to become.
Jesus was clear about His identity and made it His goal to give His life for us.