December 16, 2018: Perspective Blog

December 16, 2018


Sleep eluded him.

Hot, bewildered tears

Soaked his pillow in the private silence of his room.

Mary, his beautiful betrothed, had told him earlier that day:

“I am still a virgin, but I am pregnant by the Holy Spirit.

I am bearing the Messiah.”

Now alone, questions and doubts swirled in a gut-wrenching vortex,

That somehow spiraled down into a fitful sleep.

He awoke in peace,

His swirling, unbelieving thoughts stopped,

Silenced by an angel-visitation dream:

“Joseph, son of David, don’t hesitate to get married. Mary’s pregnancy is

Spirit-conceived…She will bring a son to birth, and when she does, you, Joseph,

will name him Jesus – ‘God saves’ - because He will save his people from their


In the morning light,

Joseph ran to find her,

To hold her in a long embrace,

To apologize for doubting,

To weep with her

For the bright mystery of this shining truth.

Matthew 1:20b, 21   The Message

Sarah Miller